Wednesday, November 9, 2011

FICCI Business Delegation to Malaysia


Nov 21-22, 2011, Hotel Shangri La, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Join the FICCI Business Delegation to Malaysia for the “India- Malaysia Trade and Investment Forum- Opportunities for Businesses arising from India – Malaysia Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA)”, November 21-22, 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Seminar is being organized with the support of Indian High Commission in Malaysia & Ministry of Commerce, Govt of India.

The Business Conference would highlight the opportunities arising from the India - Malaysia CECA implementation. The Programme envisages Presentations by renowned Speakers, comprising of the Think Tanks, Professionals, Businesses, Dignitaries and Academicians from India and Malaysia, share their views on various topics.

The Delegation would be drawn from the following Sectors of bilateral cooperation between India and Malaysia – Commodities (like, Basmati Rice, Mangoes, Eggs, Trucks, Motorcylces and Cotton Garments, Fruits, Cocoa, Palm Oil Products and Synthetic Textiles), Infrastructure Sector (Real Estate, Building, Construction, Construction Equipments & Technology), Healthcare, Drugs & Pharmaceutical, Biotech, Professional Services  (like, Accounting, Medical, Consultancy, Architecture, Urban Planning and Engineering), Cosmetics & Personal Care (Healthcare products, Health services, pharmaceuticals, medicine, toiletries, cosmetics, herbal & traditional products, spa & wellness),Tourism, Education, Information Technology, Small and Medium Industries, Banking and Finance, amongst others.

The Detailed Programme would be forwarded to you shortly.

In view of the business opportunities offered by Malaysia and your business interests in the region, we invite you to participate in the delegation. In case you are preoccupied, you may please depute a senior representative from your organisation for the same.

To defray a part of the expenses such as printing of who’s who, communication expenses, etc. incurred in connection with organising the visit, a delegation fee of Rs. 10,000/- ( + Service Tax @ 10.3 %) per person is being charged. The participants will have to bear their travel & accommodation expenses.

We shall be grateful if you could fill up the enclosed ‘Registration Proforma’ and send us your response latest by 16th November 2011.

For any further details, your office may please feel free to get in touch with my colleague Mr. Samrat Soo, Deputy Director, FICCI at Tel: 91-11-23736313 (D) or E-mail: /


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  2. I am interested in learning more about the opportunities arising from India - Malaysia CECA implementation.


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