Here are quick updates
e-Commerce : CEO Opening
One of member is looking to venture in to e-commerce. Currently they are into export of fashion jewelry. She is looking for some one who could come in as a CEO or Project Partner for the venture.
Person should come with some kind of commitment as investment or sweat equity. Various engagement models are open for discussion.
If you are interested please write to me with your linkedin profile URL and little detail about your proposed model of engagement. Please mention “e-Commerce fashion jewelry” in subject line.
Art Business Venture : Inviting Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs/Investors interested in venturing into Art Business can drop me a mail. One artist who is among the top ranked artist in India has come up with few “Art Products” targeted for Indian and abroad market but he being a creative person looking for some entrepreneur who can take care of business part of it.
An investment Opportunity in e-Commerce domain
A serial entrepreneur after huge success of his first venture is looking for partners in his next venture. Idea is from e-Commerce domain but not really what most of e-Commerce companies are doing. Very fundamental approach. Due to confidentiality reasons opportunity will be discussed only with few selected investors. If you are interested to explore please drop an email with subject line “e-Commerce Venture”
Idea is exciting, team is great, domain expertise, network everything is in place but ticket size is bigger ( in tune of 8 - 10 Cr. INR).
Promotion at TiE-CON
Tie-CON 2014 is on 12th Apr, LinkedPUNE members can share their company/product/services profiles or brochures to be included in goodie bag we are planning to distribute to all visitors on linkedpune counter at event. Please confirm on mail for the same at earliest as only first few will be able to get accommodated.
If you have not yet registered for the event you can register on http://tieconpune.explara.com/ using your discount code for LinkedPUNE group members
Sports and Wine
An interesting website from US, profiling all sports celebrities and common thread is “Wine” ; check out who owns your favorite wine.
Takeaway for non- drinking entrepreneurs; completely fresh idea; think what could be a parallel in Indian Sports industry
In case if you are not getting any feedback after first connection is established by me on any previous opportunity; please put me a reminder mail.
With best regards
Shwetank B. Upadhyaya