One more initiative from LinkedPune. Please nominate yourself or your friend in LinkedPune group for the “The Entrepreneur - LinkedPune” award.
This award will not give the recipient any trophy or money. However, it will definitely get recognition among the group members. 3 short listed profiles will be voted by the members on www.linkedpune.com and one will be elected as “The Entrepreneur - LinkedPune”.
Every month new category will be polled, e.g. “Investor – LinkedPune”, “Trainer – LinkedPune”, “Freelancer – LinkdPune”, “Social Champion – LinkedPune” and many more as per your feedback.
Why such an initiative?
LinkedPune was started to promote business for all its members. Such initiatives will bring “best-in-class” members to lime light and will hopefully help them in getting more business.
How to nominate?
Nominations for “The Entrepreneur - LinkedPune” category are open till 30th Jan 2009
You need to send me a small document (MS word format) mentioning achievements of your/nominee’s startup.
Growth achieved since inception till date.
Initial investment
Small write-up on your Idea / motivation to start your own business
How unique it was
What was your major breakthrough (your first customer/ your first VC/ your first million or any other)
Who can apply?
You should be the owner
Deeksha / Uniken Directors are not allowed to participate ( as I am one of the founder : )
You should be working full time with the startup.
Selection process
1. I will shortlist 3 profiles from the list of nominations.
2. I will send the complete list and short listed profiles to 3 neutral members from the LinkedPune group, with my comments and reasoning.
3. Based on their input, 3 short listed profiles will be published for member voting on www.linkedpune.com
4. If voting response is less than 20% of the total members, 3 neutral judges will take the final decision.
What do you get?
Attention of all the members in the group
Listing on www.linkedpune.com for a year.
This is a genuine initiative to bring more interaction among group members. Members agree to participate in it with a sportsman spirit. No complaints will be entertained and moderator is not liable for any kind of legal action J.
Let the nominations flow!