In my last visit to Hyderabad, while talking to my cab driver, I came to know that many people like him have came together and formed a small NGO named Social Welfare Society . They are trying to address their local issues. Recently they approached High court along with other societies and put a stay on construction going around heritage Golconda fort.
This NGO is also working on communal harmony. Some political parties are not liking this and members are being harassed as well, but members are not deterred and working for their issues.
Such small clubs or NGOs are completely unaware of power of social media and not capable to use that. Cab driver requested me to put it on internet so that he can gain some support over web.
If you know some similar association which is working at grass root level and not able to gain the benefit of social media, please share it with us on
To contact social welfare society
Mr. Badar Al Rawas
Social Welfare Society,
Golconda Fort , # 9-8-214 Bada Bazar