Friday, April 26, 2013


                      PCB Wing Announces
Two Day Session on



                                Day & Date : Tuesday 14th & Wednesday 15th May 2013

Time : 09:30 am To 5:00 pm ( Registration starts at 9:00 am )

Venue : Navlamal Firodia Centre for Excellence , MCCIA , J-462 , MIDC Bhosari , Pune

Who all should attend this program?  

The quintessence of all negotiations is ‘It does not matter what one negotiates but it does matter how one negotiates”. There are two kinds of negotiators namely ‘Price Negotiators’ (Bargainer & Losers) & “Deal Makers’ (Trade-off Experts & Winners). While the former is raw, untrained and argumentative the latter is trained, seasoned and mentally ready and well prepared to engage the other side for a win-win trade-off.  The hallmark of negotiation is ‘Price’ is not the driver of negotiation because ‘Price’ is what both the buyer & seller decide finally. It could be on the higher side or lower. Those who suffer from ‘price complex’ are the ones who must attend this program.  The others who should attend are those who want to hone and better their negotiation skills when it comes to ‘mega deals’ like  project negotiation, transfer of technology & expertise, the compete  ONUS of a turn-key assignments and any specific mission and dealing with dealing  multinationals.   

The Key Training Takeaways:

01.How will one assess the level of one’s ‘‘PREPARATION & PREPAREDNESS’ for a major negotiation?

02. What’s the difference between ‘clincher’ offer document’ and ‘price offer’?

03. How to make presentation of ‘your’ company’s ’Expertise’, “Experience’ & ‘Exposure?’

04. How to decipher sincere objections from insincere ones and deal with it effectively to ensure a faster deal closure?

05. What is the trade-off ‘variables’ and how the clincher trade-off is deployed and when?

06. How would expand the scope of your services to support a higher price quote?

To find out 'How' to every target and studies a method to introspect and review further.

The Training Format:

Interactive, role-play driven and participatory ‘mock’ negotiations replicating the real ones between teams and with the Trainer will be the hallmark of the training format. It’s ‘hands-on’ throughout.  It will be competitive rounds wherein teams will negotiate deals and performance ratings will be given in terms of ‘Stars’ won for the breakthroughs accomplished. Final assessment will also be made for ranking the teams and announcing the star performers. Areas where how a participant can reinforce his ‘negotiating skills’ will be recommended and with the core strengths displayed will also be highlighted. It’s tried & tested and highly appreciated format. 

Language : English

About the Trainer:

Professor T.R. Ramakrishnan comes to the training hall with his hands-on that he had gained from the twenty successful international negotiations that he has conducted for top ‘Corporate Houses’ for Technical collaboration, transfer of expertise, marketing tie-up, networking, brand building and JVs with known global companies from from the US, Japan, U.K., Italy, Germany, Israel (for the JOJOBA oil Project), China (Silk Projects).. He has the needed erudition, exposure and gravitas in conducting negotiations. A graduate in Commerce (B.Com) with Development Economics from the University of Kerala (1960 Batch) he has to his credit five decades of hands-on exposure handling various integrated projects for TATA for their foray in Agri-iI, KBK, SPIC, USHA MARTIN and the like. In this period he has been on assignment with F A O (Food & Agricultural Organization of UN. With this background the foray into becoming Corporate Trainer was like ducks taking water. He is now the preferred Trainer for Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), MCCIA, World Trade Centre and in known Business Schools like S.P.Jain, MICA, ICFAI and ten other Business Schools. He is also the Co Founder of The Dawn Club, Centre of Excellence for “Developing ‘Young Indian Leaders’ (age 7yrs. to 12yrs)  and so far more than 2000 youngsters have been trained during post 15yrs. Professor comes to the training hall with his ‘hands-on’ of nearly five decades of negotiating and two decades of training .

Participation Fees:
Rs.5,000/- per head: For MCCIA Member Organizations.
Rs.6,000/-per head: Other Organizations
Fees is Inclusive of Service tax.
Inclusive of Study Material and Lunch
10% discount to those Organization who register 3 & more participants.
Registration Details:
 For details of the Program & to register  for  the program .
Please Contact or send in your nominations to :
 Mr. Mandar Marathe  , Ph-: 27130700 / 9881972139
Kindly arrange to send payment cheque preferably before 13th, May, 2013  to enable us to make necessary arrangements.
Kindly book early by sending your cheque drawn in favour of "MCCIA".

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