Ms. Sindhu Ramchandran, fellow member of LinkedPune club is organizing a special screening of movie "The Secret" for LinkedPune members only.
Interested members can directly email at and mark a cc to Please check the details below.
It would be a great to meet you all there.
Thanks Sindhu.
With best regards
Shwetank Upadhyaya
Please find below a brief synopsis of the movie that we have chosen to start this journey with.
The movie is titled - THE SECRET, based on the book by the same name by Rhonda Byrne.
This movie has brought about a paradigm shift all around the worldand I have even come across many people having a 2-day workshop on using the concept for personal and professional success, in Chennai and Bangalore!
We can schedule it as early as next weekend, Saturday 7.00 pm onwards or any of the coming weekends after Mar 7th.
Looking forward to the fun times and wishing you a great week ahead,
Here it goes -
"THE SECRET" - A Life-transforming movie
The Secret reveals the most powerful law in the universe. The knowledge of this law has run like a golden thread through the lives and the teachings of all the prophets, seers, sages and saviors in the world's history, and through the lives of all truly great men and women. All that they have ever accomplished or attained has been done in full accordance with this most powerful law.
Without exception, every human being has the ability to transform any weakness or suffering into strength, power, perfect peace, health, and abundance.
Rhonda Byrne's discovery of The Secret began with a glimpse of the truth through a 100 year old book. She went back through centuries, tracing and uncovering a common truth that lay at the core of the most powerful philosophies, teachings and religions in the world.
What Rhonda discovered is now captured in The Secret, a film that has been viewed by millions around the world. The Secret has also been released as an audio-book and printed book with more than six million copies in print.
The Secret explains with simplicity the law that is governing all lives, and offers the knowledge of how to create - intentionally and effortlessly - a joyful life. This is the secret to everything - the secret to unlimited happiness, love, health and prosperity.
This is the secret to life.
An initiative by REFUEL in association with The Urban Ashram, Mukund Nagar.
REFUEL is an initiative in towards Lifestyle & Wellness Management focusing primarily on the Promotive & Preventive Health Care domains.
We at REFUEL, understand that everything in life – the social, emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, environmental and occupational aspects – are interconnected and need to be optimally balanced.
An integrated effort to bring about positive changes in all these aspects is the only way to maximize the potential that you are capable of and destined to achieve.
A genuine passion for people drives all our actions and the knowledge that we can be in complete control of our lives, is what motivates us
The Urban Ashram is an experiment with the Universal Consciousness. It is a community of global pilgrims, wandering teachers and artists engaged in the creative act of producing a universe of greater possibilities! It is a well-equipped and highly charged space which sees many programs in Yoga, various types of Meditation, De-Stress, Self- Innovation, Sufi Dance apart from innovative sessions like the Drum circles, Silent Meditation Circles, Book Club, Movie Nights and much more!
In Gratitude,
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